Our students, Julijana Krstić, Tamara Kostić, Lana Zlatović, Kosara Marković, and Milica Gošić, spent five days in the Polish city of Łódź, where, from October 14 to 19, 2024, as part of the Erasmus+ project “Mercury – Drama Therapy” (no. 2022-2-PL01-KA220-YOU-000096791), they stepped into the world of drama therapy.
Through 25 inspiring workshops, together with young people from Poland, Lithuania, and Hungary, they explored the depths of improvisation, role-playing, theater games, guided imagery, and storytelling. The goal? To strengthen entrepreneurial spirit and employability through self-development and overcoming emotional barriers. All these activities provided participants with a valuable, liberating experience and contributed to positive feedback about the project.
At the end, all participants received YouthPass certificates—a European tool for recognizing learning outcomes acquired in projects under the Erasmus+ Youth Program and the European Solidarity Corps Program.