Internationalization of higher education is a two way process which comprises of comprehension and adoption of achievements, standards and values from international academic and professional environment as well as presenting our own results and value system in a way that enables their recognition. Internationalization process includes cooperation and partnership in theoretical, artistic and vocational research and learning through mobility and participation of students, teaching and non teaching staff in projects with higher education institutions and international Organizations. Respecting local specific features of higher education and institutional autonomy of higher education institution, Internationalization and international cooperation in higher education contribute to development of competences for work in international environment and constructive interaction with colleagues who have different backgrounds.
Creative work and the process of transfer and acquiring of knowledge and skills at the College of Fine and Applied Arts gain their full significance, embodiment and presence only through comparison and evaluation in a broader context, internationally. Therefore establishing Internationalization strategy and foundation of Project Art Center – Center for international and local cooperation, extra curricular activities and communication is crucial for our institution. International cooperation and exchange opens the door to teaching and non teaching staff of the College to improve their professional skills. On the other hand, students gets access to knowledge, competences and skills for acting globally. In short, they have the chance to become citizens of the world.
Main goals of Internationalization are:
- Strengthening the connections of curricula with profession
- Focusing on competences of teaching and non teaching staff
- Taking initiative and concrete steps in achieving international and intercultural competences of students and teachers.
Internationalization strategy of the College is based on the following goals:
- Continual implementation and development of standards for setting up cooperation with leading higher education institutions
- Providing competences for work in international professional environment through education, research, development, networking
- Improving curricula, quality of education process and adequate equipment as a precondition for making the College more attractive locally and internationally, through the access and exchange of information of importance for the transfer of knowledge and the development of new technologies and the active involvement of the College in international flows;
- Promotion of expertise and know-how Promoting the college as an attractive and reliable partner for cooperation and engagement in high quality, mutually beneficial international projects, educational and artistic cooperation.
- Promotion of local specific features within global trends. The College should use its local specificity in the approach and development of education in creative industries, in order to make preconditions for students to act globally and to understand wider effects of their activities through feasible institutional activities.
- Maximization of international mobility of students and staff.
Institutional development
Strategy of Internationalization should be carried out through:
- Continuous raising of awareness about the institution and steady engagement of departments and individuals
- System development (logistics, development of curricula, networking)
- Human resources development (students and staff)
Strategy of Internationalization of the college is realized through:
- Entering bilateral cooperation agreements with foreign institutions.
In order to become a gathering point, with innovative thinking and knowledge flow, the College should expand the range of institutions with which it will cooperate in the field of higher education. Bilateral cooperation should be established with the leading higher education institutions all over the world that can contribute to the development and reputation of the College as well as with innovative institutions whose development should be supported by the College in accordance with its Mission as professional development leader.
- Making strategic partnerships
Strategic partnerships are developed selectively, with a small number of partners. Bilateral cooperation of the college and foreign institution is raised on the level of strategic partnership when they have mutual interests and it implies coordinated actions, joint project management, functional connection of resources at the disposal of institutions, joint capacity building and development of the curriculum.
- Networking with foreign organizations and institutions
The College should be included in the existing networks of higher education institutions, international professional organizations and associations. This enables permanent and functional connection to a large number of partners in the field of art and design, education and transfer of knowledge. In areas where there is no adequate form of organization, the College should become the leader by initiating cooperation and taking responsibility for networking.
- Participating in mobility programms of European Union as well as international organizations, associations and countries outside European Union
The college is open to the widest conceivable cooperation based on mutual respect and equality. The exchange of students, teaching and non teaching staff is envisaged within mobility programme that is mostly carried out by European Union bearing in mind that such cooperation is founded on similarity of educational systems developed within Bologna process. At the same time cooperation with institutions and international organizations and associations headquartered outside European union is also foreseen and represents one of the strategic priorities of the college.
Center for Projects, International and Local Cooperation, Extra Curricular Activities and Communications of the College
Center for projects, international and local cooperation, extra curricular activities and communications of our College was established for the purpose of more efficient implementation of the basic strategic commitments.
Projects Center is an operational and executive unit within the College, which in scope of authority for international cooperation, starts, maintains and develops cooperation with other higher education institutions abroad and other international organizations.
Also, the Project Center provides support to students, teaching and non-teaching staff during engagement in various international projects.
The realization of activities through the Project Center should enable sustainable funding of projects and have positive influence on encouraging and supporting activities for continual development of artistic and educational competences of professors and assistants, as well as mobility of teachers and students in unique European higher education environment, advancing their competences, skills and attitudes.
In short, the task of the Project Center is implementation of Internationalizaton Strategy by coordinating the appearance of the College on the international scene, encouraging development of international activities of the college and facilitating their realization.
We want to transfer to our students cosmopolitan ideas so that they obtain relevant competences for further development in life, and this can only be achieved through an international approach.
For this purpose we want to develop joint curricula with international partners. We can achieve this through continual development of mobility that provides us with the opportunity to benchmark with our partners and develop together.